My name is Keith and I'm from San Diego, California. I'm a disabled Veteran and a dad of two boys. I want to give you a bit of a background on who I am, and what my story is.
I am a retired Marine with a disability, and up until 2016, I worked as a slot tech working on slot machines in Southern California. Playing around on the Internet helped me realize I had a liking for it, and I also learned how to earn some extra money to make life more fun.
You will use those skills for the rest of your life once you understand how to put them into practice and persuade people to cooperate with you. I make an effort to assist as many friends as I can (who will listen), and I teach them how to carry out my actions (and still do every day).
I promise you that if you are willing to attempt, none of this requires brain surgery. Since I learned the majority of what I know solely through the use of Google and YouTube as my teachers, I have no problem offering it for no charge.
To develop as you go, all you need is time and patience. I made a commitment to solely utilize money I earned online from the very beginning because I didn’t want to waste the meager amount I rely on each month to exist.
My passion is helping others, so I’m confident that using straightforward strategies for getting free traffic, I can assist you or anybody else you know in achieving their affiliate marketing objectives.
In the end, I want to use what I’ve learned and the strategies and concepts I’m continually exploring and testing in the affiliate marketing niche to help YOU with your affiliate marketing needs, whether it be driving traffic to your website or making that first sale.
So, no matter what your goals are, whether it’s gaining free traffic to your affiliate sites or making your first sale in your online business operations, my website and material are geared to assist you.
Also, I want you to feel like you can reach out to me if you ever have any questions or want to share any ideas you have related to affiliate marketing. OR, just drop me a comment to say hi, that is cool to.
Anyway, that’s my story and why I care.
All the best,
My Goal Is To Help You Achieve Your Goals